BTC: $81 651


ETH: $1 854


Phala Testnet “Rorschach” Incentive Program
Phala Testnet “Rorschach” Incentive Program (PHA)
Phala is the first confidential smart contract network built on Substrate, aiming to provide confidential computation and data protection services for enterprises and users. Phala Network would serve the whole Polkadot ecosystem as one of the Polkadot parachains.
Phala Testnet “Rorschach” Incentive Program
Activity type:
20 Jul 2020 10:00 UTC
20 Aug 2020 10:00 UTC
Reward pool:
(100,000 PHA)
Personal reward:
(10+ PHA)
Starts in: 
  • How to participate:
    1. Setup Full Node and Gatekeeper node to start.
    2. Join for known community better, join and input  /drip [your testnet address] to get PHA testnet tokens.
    About Project, Rewards and Rules:

    Phala team prepared over 100,000 PHA for testnet Rorschach.  The incentive program will be officially launched on  UTC 10 am, July 20, 2020.

    1. The Awakening of Nodes
    WHEN: July 20 — Aug 20

    In this quest, you will gain different points for completing different achievements. The more points you have, the more PHA rewards you will proportionally share at the end of this event.

    Once your node is set up, your points will automatically be computed and displayed on “Awakening Points Dashboard”.

    Here is a table indicating the estimated PHA reward for 240 nodes achieving different user cases.

    2. Test and Claim

    WHEN: July 20 — Until next upgrade

    Follow the Guide, test the following functions, and 10 PHA will be dropped to your ETH address.

    (The Guide link will be updated later before the official launch day)

    1. On-chain identity identification
    2. Private asset converting
    3. Stake and nominate
    4. Submit a proposal and vote for a proposal
    5. Apply council and vote for a candidate

    3. Secret Price Guessing Game
    WHEN: July 20 — Aug 3

    Follow the Guide and use Phala private transfer function to guess the price of BTC/ETH/KSM.

    (The Guide link will be updated later before the official launch day)

    • Time to predict: UTC 10:00–10:30 am each day
    • Meaning of transferred mllli: the price of BTC/ETH/KSM after 24 hours.

    The ones whose predictions are most close to the real-time price next day will be the winners of the day and win PHA rewards.

    4. Master of Guide Writing
    WHEN: July 20 — Aug 3

    Publish guides or instructional videos online, and PHA reward will be dropped to your address.

    Note that your guides should be original by yourself. Plagiarization will derive your rewards from all quests.

    5. Artist of Text Art
    WHEN: July 20 — Aug 3

    Design or create Phala Testnet Rorschach Text Art with online tools. Publish them on Phala forum and your social media, 3 winners will each receive 100 PHA for their talent or popularity.

    Hardware Requirements:
    You will likely run your Gatekeeper on a server with TEE hardware running Linux. For this guide we will be using Ubuntu 18.04, but the instructions should be similar for other platforms.
    The transactions weights in Phala Network were benchmarked on standard hardware. It is recommended that Gatekeepers run at least the standard hardware in order to ensure they are able to process all blocks in time. The following are not minimum requirements but if you decide to run with less than this beware that you might have performance issue.

    Standard Hardware

    For the full details of the standard hardware please see here.
    • CPU - 2 cores, with Intel SGX capability.
    • Storage - A NVMe solid state drive. Should be reasonably sized to deal with blockchain growth. Starting around 80GB - 160GB will be okay for the first six months of Phala Network, but will need to be re-evaluated every six months.
    • Memory - 2GB - 8GB. 2GB is really the minimum memory you should operate your Gatekeeper with, anything less than this make build times too inconvenient. For better performance you can bump it up to 4GB or 8GB, but anything more than that is probably over-kill. In order to compile the binary yourself you will likely need ~8GB.
    The specs posted above are by no means the minimum specs that you could use when running a Gatekeeper, however you should be aware that if you are using less you may need to toggle some extra optimizations in order to be equal to other Gatekeepers that are running the standard.

    Install Intel SGX driver & platform software

    You can find the latest Linux SGX driver from the official download page. Make sure to install:
    • SGX Linux DCAP Driver (Under /opt)
    • SGX Linux SDK
    • SGX Platform Swoftware
    The dockerfile offered by Teaclave SGX SDK is a good reference of how to install the SGX driver, SDK and platform software.